Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Running - 5k to Half Marathons

So a lot of you know that I have been running a lot more this year.  I have completed numerous races in the 2010-2011 school year.  

Bundang 5K - April 17, 2011
The most recent run was a 5K in our local neighborhood of Bundang. I actually called my friend Kelly the night before and told her that I was not going to run it because I was not feeling well.  My throat was killing me and I stayed up until 2 am coughing.  But there I was wide awake in bed 45 minutes before the race thinking how upset I would be if I did not run this race.  So I jumped out of bed, got dressed and grabbed a banana and ipod and jumped in a cab for 5 minutes to Central Park at Sunae.  The street was closed for the race so I walked up to the starting line just as the half marathon had started.  I jumped in the front row and shook the hand of the mayor and within 40 minutes I was off on my 5K.  

The weather was beautiful and I had a clear objective of 5 minute kilometers - why five minute kilometers? Because I had convinced myself that if I ran 5 min K's that I would just push myself at the end and I would FINALLY beat 30:00 minutes for a 5K.  About at the 3.5K mark I realized that it was FIVE kilometers not SIX and that I was doing the best time I had ever done.  That was followed by a huge cough attack and monster spitball.  I ended finishing the race in 26:45 and I was ELATED that I had completed it.  Below is a picture of Kelly and I after the race.  She did the half marathon and finished 3rd with an amazing time of 1 hour and like 40 minutes (just under that) - she is my idol!

10K with Gards - April 10, 2011

Look at the Olympic Rings
                       The next race was with Gards and it was the Addidas, 5K, 10, Half and Full Marathon.  Gards and I woke up at 5 am and were on the subway by 6 am to Jamsil station where we were going to transfer to one of the race buses that would take us to the actual race.  The line was huge and took an hour to get through but they gave us orange juice and a chocolate pie (well they ran out by the time I got there). 

Finally we got on the bus and about 15 minutes later we arrived at the spot where they held the Olympic Rowing Event for the 1998 Seoul Olympics.  It was full of energy and excitement and Gards was finally excited that he woke up so early!  We stood in line for about 20 minutes to use the washroom, put our bags in bag check and we were off.  We had decided earlier that we were going to run the race together.  Around 4K we started to pick it up and around the 6k mark I had a nasty cramp. 
                                                Gards was there to tell me to keep on going - thank goodness.  To this point my best time in a 10K time was 1:03:54 and I was looking to beat it - at least under an hour.  We kept the 1 hour balloon in our sights and just before the finish line the balloon stopped and said to us keep on going, you are under an hour. Our official final time was 57:35 - AWESOME!  I am not so sure Gards is as addicted as I am!  After the race Gards had a big smile!  His first ever timed race completed.

- It was perfect weather to run (no sun)  - The line up started all the way from the subway exit to outside  - Me doing a sad face for Gards because it is so early in the moring - Gards putting is number on - IT IS RACE TIME!

Half Marathon - November 2010

In November a bunch of my KIS ladies and I set out to complete a half marathon.  Some had more intense training than others (speed intervals and such) and others just went for completion - ME!  The weather was ideal for a half - about 0C - running tights and a long sleeve.  With my Ipod loaded with great tunes I was ready to complete my second half marathon.  

It was a great run until 18K when I started to feel tired and sluggish.  But a little positive self talk told me to keep going and I would beat my previous time and that would be a huge accomplishment and lets be honest this was a good exercise day!  I finished the race strong and my time was 2:19:34 - not that great, but I am back on track in terms of distance running.  I plan on doing another half marathon is September 2011.


Monday, May 9, 2011

Engaged to Mr. Matthew James Gardner

Matt moved semi-permanently to Korea on Wednesday January 26, 2011.

He will be teaching English to 3, 4, and 5 year olds - good luck! ;)

On Friday, January 28, 2011 after a wonderful Woomi Night full of good friends and laughs Matt took advantage of the great mood.  We got home and started to reminisce of all the great times we have had together.  We talked about how lucky we are to have this experience in Korea and all the great times to come AND BAM - ring in hand, on TWO knees he proposed.  It was perfect, there was no build up, just a wonderful night of friends, smiles and love.



How do you blog three years? And get back on track?

I know I need to blog, I know how great it will be 10 + years from now to look back on, so why don't I do it? Well I guess there is no great answer other than I have put it off for three years and now it has become a daunting task to catch up.  Thanks goes to my mother for being an expert procrastinator!  So I am going to start from now and add in the highlights of the last three years and hopefully by the end of the summer I will be back on track and blogging regularly!

This is the school that hired me and has set the tone for my international journey. 
Korea International School:
Check it out!